Water Quality Report

St. Lucie West Services District Water Report
We publish an Annual Water Quality Report to keep you informed about the quality of your drinking water and the services we provide.
Our goal is to deliver a safe, reliable water supply while continuously improving treatment processes and protecting our water resources. Our water comes from the Floridan Aquifer and is treated using reverse osmosis, chlorination for disinfection, and phosphate for corrosion control.
In 2011, the Department of Environmental Protection conducted a Source Water Assessment (SWA) to identify potential contamination risks near our wells. Six potential sources were found, all with low to moderate susceptibility. The full SWA report is available at www.dep.state.fl.us/swapp.
We are pleased to report that our drinking water meets all federal and state standards. For questions, contact Rick Riniolo at (772) 340-0220 or pick up a copy of this report at 450 SW Utility Dr., Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986.
We encourage our customers to stay informed. Join our monthly meetings on the first Tuesday at 9:00 AM at the St. Lucie West Services District main office, 450 SW Utility Dr., Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986.
We routinely monitor water quality per federal and state regulations. Unless otherwise noted, this report covers monitoring from January 1 to December 31, 2012, with some data from earlier testing as required.
The attached Adobe PDF files below will provide to you the official Water Quality Reports: