
This is the section that is dedicated to answering your “Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.).
Please click on the question you wish to view and the answer will appear under the question. To close the answer, please click on the question again.
Customers may access their account details online by clicking on the Home page and on the Pay Online Logo to sign in and view Account information or . . .
Contact the Customer Service Department by:
Phone: (772)340-0220
Fax (772) 871-5771
Walk In: 450 SW Utility Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
Email: customerservice@slwsd.org
Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Use our Contact Us Form (Click Here)
From I-95 towards Daytona Beach
Take the St. Lucie West Blvd. exit, EXIT 121, East, towards Port St. Lucie / Stadium 0.6 Mi
Merge onto SW St. Lucie West Blvd. 1.5 Mi
Turn Right onto SW Bethany Drive 0.2 Mi
Take the 1st right onto SW Utility Drive 0.02 Mi
450 SW Utility Drive is on the left (See Customer Service Bldg)
A security deposit is collected from each account holder (owner or tenant). This helps protect the District and ensure payment of the utility bill. A deposit is required even if you previously had or are presently established within the District. Accepted method of payment for the deposit are checks or money orders.
Yes, the security deposit is refundable once a specific criterion is met. The criteria consists of holding the deposit for a minimum of two years, the second year must be clean and in good standing (no late notices, penalties, lock offs, returned checks, etc.). Upon meeting the criteria your deposit will be applied to your account on the 25th month. Upon final settlement of a customer’s account, any deposit not already credited to the consumer’s account, will be applied to any account balance due, and any remaining balance of the deposit will be refunded.
Deposits are placed in an interest bearing account however, all interest is reinvested into the operation and maintenance costs of the water & sewer system. This helps offset the costs of providing service which is directly reflected in our base rates.
The District’s rate schedules impose monthly water and wastewater base facility charges upon each service connection so that every month, the District bills its customers for base facility charges plus charges for actual consumption. Therefore, even if a customer has no measurable metered water usage during a given month, the District nonetheless bills the consumer for the monthly base facility charges.
Irrigation service charges are also billed monthly on a fixed rate; however, because irrigation service is not metered, the consumer is not charged extra for usage. Base facility charges for water and wastewater may be found in Schedule A to the District’s utility system rules, and fixed charges for irrigation service may be found in Schedule D. Schedules of charges are available on our website at CURRENT RATE SCHEDULE.
Similar to those of the City of Port St. Lucie and the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority, the utility rates of the District are structured so that all consumers share in the fixed cost of providing utility service. The District’s rates include the water, sewer, and irrigation base as to other utilities they may only provide water or sewer. However, other utilities may only have one or two base rates depending on the types of services they provide. Please Reference the “customer service” tab to view St. Lucie West Services District’s schedule of rates and fees located on our website.
- Credit Card Fee is 3.10% with a minimum of $2.50 per transaction for Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express
- Electronic Check fee is $1.50 per transaction
This fee will apply to payments made (by credit card, debit card, and checking accounts) through the online payment or the automated phone system. This fee is assessed by a third party to process the electronic payment through the billing system and show the payment on your utilities account.
- To avoid a fee for electronic payments customers may pay through their personal online banking which will take longer to reach your utilities account.
Go to the Resources tab and click on Lake Maintenance Schedule.
Customers may pay through one of the following types of payments to avoid a service fee.
- Checks or Money Orders can be mailed or hand delivered to our office at 450 SW Utility Drive, Port St Lucie, FL 34986.
- Automatic Bank Draft request (form) must be submitted along with a voided check to authorize monthly automatic payments.
- Online Banking through customer’s bank account.
For more information contact our Customer Service staff at (772) 340-0220 or via email customerservice@slwsd.org
All locations in St. Lucie West have a set irrigation schedule and we ask that all residents and/or business’ be diligent in following the precise schedule. The schedule is strongly enforced based on the current restrictions and reported to the South Florida Water Management District as required. If a warning and/or irrigation penalty is issued to your location, check the time clock at your property. If you need assistance with your irrigation timer and/or irrigation system, please contact your irrigation Company and/or HOA. If the irrigation schedule is unknown please contact the District’s office for details. (772) 340-0220.
Per the District tariff that governs the warnings and penalties set forth in the District Tariff Section # 35 a-g Specific Authority: 120.54.,190.011(5),F.S Law Implemented 120.54, F.S., 190.011(5), F.S., account holders have the final responsibility for all warnings and penalties associated with their specific address. Penalty charges assessed in accordance with this section shall be billed and collected in the same manner as other utility fees and charges provided for in the operating policies.
No, the topping off on a pool will have usage within your average consumption and a credit will not be approved for this reason, however you may submit a request in writing for a sewer credit due to repairs to a pool and refilling the pool.
If you filled the pool due to a leak or damage, you may submit a request for a sewer credit by submitting the request in writing with a copy of the invoice of the pool company showing the pool was repaired and date it was refilled. Send to customerservice@slwsd.org or fax (772) 871-5771
Monies will be drafted as scheduled on the statement. (Usually 20 days from the bill date unless the 20th falls on the weekend or holidays)
All retention ponds within St. Lucie West are owned and maintained by the St. Lucie West Services District with the exception of Lake Charles. Storm water retention ponds are designed, permitted and built to hold storm water for a designed period of time before discharging to a downstream basin or off site at a permitted CFS (cubic feet per second) rate of discharge.
There is no fishing allowed in the District owned retention ponds. The fish have been stocked in several retention ponds for biological control of certain vegetation and control of midge flies.
For Liability reasons the District does not allow any fishing, swimming, or boating in any of the retention ponds owned by the District.
In this instance the District will send staff out to assess the customer’s request and also ask the customer for their property survey to observe where the preserve starts and the customer’s property begin. The District is willing to trim limbs extending on the customers property. The normal rotation for the District staff to remove exotic plant material from District owned wetlands and buffers occur once every three (3) years.
If the leak is after the point of entry and/or the water meter then you may need to contact a plumber (home owner’s responsibility). If there is a leak repaired at your property the consumer shall file the written statement contesting the charges within sixty calendar days of the date the charges were assessed to the account. Keep in mind that depending on when the meter is read and when the repair was made, leak (high usage) may reflect on a couple of statements.
The written statement shall contain the consumers’ name, service address, mailing address if different than service address, an explanation outlining the reasons why the charges are being contested, and any supporting documentation should be included such as the plumber’s bill and date of repair.
When the review is completed by the Billing Department the consumer will receive a written statement informing them if the sewer credit has been approved or not.
For general information regarding leaks please reference the check for leaks pdf’s located at Check for Leaks and the water conservation tips pdf’s located at Water Conservation Tips both can be found under the customer service tab.
For more information on irrigation (Click Here)
You will need the following:
Application for utility service
Proof of Ownership (if Tenant, provide a copy of signed lease by both parties)
Legal form of identification (i.e: Drivers License) and If business also include Tax ID #
Release of liability Form
Applicant must contact the office to determine if any payments and deposits are required at time of application.
Applicant must have complete legal possession of property prior to establishing an account with the District. We required one business day’s notice to establish an account.
You will need the following: (1) Application for Utility Services signed by authorized party (2) Acknowledgement and Release of Liability signed by authorized party (3) Provide proof of legal representation for the property (4) Legal form of identification for individual opening the account (i.e. Driver’s License) (5) Tax ID if business (6) Full payment of debt on property if any amount is due (7) Deposit in the form of a check or money order ONLY. (8) One business day notice
Examples for Proof of legal representation are:
Signed contract or proof of legal rights to the property, Certificate of title, If Realtor/Broker with assignment (provide signed letter assigning you to the property ), if third party is selling property for the owner (provide a copy of signed agreement or power of attorney)
Realtor/Broker must submit a written request to receive account balance information to customerservice@slwsd.org or via fax (772) 871-5771.
– Utility Inspection Request Form
– Acknowledgment and Release of Liability “Waiver” signed by the owner of the property or legal representative.
– Provide proof of ownership or legal representation.
Examples are; Signed contract, or Signed assignment letter assigning realtor, or business to property, or Proof of legal rights or ownership to the property of person/party assigning property, (power of attorney), or If third party is selling property for the owner, provide signed agreement, or Certificate of title
– Payment of $25.00 upon application (Check or Money order)
– Turn on and shut off must occur on the same day.
– One business day notice is required.
The consumer may contest charges by submitting a written statement within sixty calendar days of the date the charges were assessed to the account. The written statement shall contain the consumers’ name, service address, mailing address if different than service address, an explanation outlining the reasons why the charges are being contested, and any supporting documentation should be included.
When the review is completed by the Billing Department the consumer will receive a written statement informing them of the results.
The applicant shall contact the Customer Service staff at (772) 340-0220 or email customerservice@slwsd.org to make inquiry as to the delinquent status of a location. The delinquent amount shall be paid prior to the applicant establishing a utilities account with the District.
The District may withhold service to a consumer who makes application for service at or upon a location for which prior service has not been paid in full to the date of such application. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to make inquiry as to the delinquent status of the account and bring said account current as a condition precedent to continuation of service. The District shall maintain current records of outstanding accounts and shall make such information available to the public at its offices during normal business hours. Service may also be withheld for service installations, which are not complete or are not in compliance with District requirements.
To view Section 6: (Withholding Service) in PDF file format, please CLICK HERE
To view Section 6: (Withholding Service) in RTF file format, please CLICK HERE
Open the attached file which includes the operating policies and procedures including the tariff for the Utilities Systems.
To view this file in PDF file format, please CLICK HERE.
To download this file in RTF file format, please CLICK HERE.
Complete a Work Authorization Application located in the Resources tab > Engineering Documents > Stormwater Engineering Documents and submit to the District Engineer at Infrastructure Solutions Services, Attn: Fariborz Zanganeh at 7185 Murrell Rd., Suite 101, Melbourne, FL 32940 Tel # (321) 622-4646.